For 6th-12th grade students

 Life YTH is a fun and safe place for you to learn about God's love. Come experience what God has for you, meet new people, and build lasting relationships with friends and mentors. From fun events, mission trips, and camps there are so many things for you to be involved in! Come out and experience Life YTH! 

We meet every Wednesday at 6:30 pm

Are you a Parent? 

At Life YTH we believe that their is no greater responsibility then being a parent. It is our desire to partner with parents and come alongside you in order to see your kids become all that God wants them to be! We intentionally connect with parents on a regular basis through quarterly meetings, social media, and more. We would love for you to join our Life YTH Parents group on Facebook to stay updated and connected with everything that is happening. Just search Life YTH Parents on Facebook and join the group. 

If you have any questions you can contact Pastor Brandon at

Upcoming Events